A Halloween Nightmare: The Chilling Story of the Liske Family MurdersA Halloween Nightmare: The Chilling Story of the Liske Family Murders The Liske family seemed, on the surface, like any other. William...
H2H 4. 200. Beulah Louise Overell and George Bud Gollum. Murder on the Mary E.March 15, 1947, Newport Harbor, California. Walter and Beulah Overell are enjoying a night on their yacht the Mary E. With their...
H2H 4. 196. Tucker Cipriano. A Family Torn Apart.April 15, 2012, Farmington Hills, Michigan. Nineteen year old Tucker Cipriano and his new friend, twenty year old Mitchell Young are high...
H2H 4. 189. Violent Night. The Carnation Murders.December 24, 2007. The Anderson Family is gathering in Carnation, Washington State. Parents Wayne and Judy, are celebrating Christmas...
H2H 4. 185. Joel Michael Guy, Jr. The Monster, the Money and the Murders.Thanksgiving weekend 2016, Knoxville, Tennessee. The Guy family has gathered to celebrate Thanksgiving on Goldenview Lane. Joel and Lisa...
H2H 4. 164. Jennifer Pan. The Deadly Perfect Daughter.November 10, 2010, Markham, Ontario, Canada. Bich Ha and Huei Hann Pan, along with their daughter Jennifer are in their home for the...